বুধবার, ২৬ মার্চ ২০২৫

'Amar Ekushey' book fair opened by PM

বৃহস্পতিবার, মার্চ ১৮, ২০২১
'Amar Ekushey' book fair opened by PM

 Somoy Journal Desk :  Prime Minister Sheik Hasina today introduced the month-long 'Amar Ekushey Boimela' (book reasonable) on the Bangla Academy premises and at Suhrawardy Udyan in the capital. 

She joined as boss visitor the initial function on the Bangla Academy premise for all intents and purposes from her authority home Ganabhaban. 

Talking on the event, the head asked all to build up the propensity for book perusing and support the cutting edge about perusing as individuals can know culture, history and a lot more through writing. 

Sheik Hasina mentioned the Bangla Academy to proceed with writing interpretation to keep the chance to know different nations through book perusing. 

In spite of the fact that the month-long reasonable typically happens in February recognizing the 1952 Language Movement, the reasonable has been deferred for the current year due to the Covid pandemic. 

Bangla Academy President Professor Shamsuzzaman Khan managed the debut work while Director General Habibullah Sirajee conveyed the invite address. 

State Minister for Cultural Affairs K M Khalid, MP, talked on the event as uncommon visitor. Social Affairs Secretary M Badrul Arefin and President of Academic and Creative Publishers' Association of Bangladesh Farid Ahmed likewise talked on the event. 

At the initial function, the Prime Minister uncovered the book "New China-1952", the English variant of "Amar Dekha Naya Chin" composed by Father of the Nation Bangabandhu Sheik Mujibur Rahman. 

Additionally, the chief conveyed the prizes among the beneficiaries of Bangla Academy Literary Award-2020. In the interest of the Prime Minister, state serve for social issues gave over the honor. 

Ten artists and scholars were enhanced with the Bangla Academy Literary Award 2020. 

They are artist Muhammad Samad (verse), Imtiaj Shamim (scholarly fiction), Begum Akhtar Kamal (exposition/research), Suresh Ranjan Basak (interpretation), Rabiul Alam (dramatization), Anjir Liton (kids' writing), Sahida Begum (research on Liberation War), Aparesh Bandhopaddhaya (sci-fi), Ferdausi Mojumdar (personal history) and Muhammad Habibullah Pathan (old stories). The 'Birth Centenary of Father of the Nation Bangabandhu Sheik Mujibur Rahman and Golden Jubilee of Independence' is the fundamental subject of Amar Ekushey Boimela-2021. 

Interestingly, there is a passage point and stopping game plan adjacent to Institution of Engineers, Bangladesh (IEB) alongside other three section focuses at the Suhrawardy Udyan. 

Moreover, crisis cover focuses have been set up on the Bangla Academy and Suhrawardy Udyan premises contiguous the passage focuses considering the conceivable downpour and tempest during the 28-day long reasonable. 

The guests need to carefully keep up the wellbeing rules for entering the reasonable premises and there are plans for temperature test, hand washing and cleaning in the reasonable ground. 

The book reasonable will stay open for all from 3 pm to 9 pm on working days while 8:30 am to 9 pm on open occasions with a one-hour break for lunch and petitions.

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