শনিবার, ২৯ মার্চ ২০২৫

Why is Indo-Pacific Strategy important for Bangladesh?

সোমবার, ডিসেম্বর ৯, ২০২৪
Why is Indo-Pacific Strategy important for Bangladesh?

Prof. Syed Ahsanul Alam:

Bangladesh won the majority of the maritime area in dispute with India in the Bay of Bengal, following a 2014 ruling by the Permanent Court of Arbitration (PCA). The ruling awarded Bangladesh 19,467 square kilometers of the total 25,602 square kilometer disputed area. After that Bangladesh has total a maritime area of 118,813 square kilometers (km) and a lengthy coastline of 710 km. 

Although it may not be equal to the entirety of Bangladesh, It's maritime territory is equal three-fourth of its main land. In this maritime territory lies immense potential by which Bangladesh could surpass economically any South Asian country. The economic fate of people of Bangladesh can dramatically change If this vast ocean territory is utilized for the benefit of its people under the leadership of Dr. Yunus.

If Bangladesh further pursue the arbitration, Bangladesh may get even more area under her maritime territory. This is why Bay of Bengal is so important to both Bangladesh and India. India cannot remain silent about Bay of Bengal when a pro Indian Awami League government is ousted from power. 
Utilizing Bay of Bengal was important for the previous regimes, the interim regime and also those political parties who dream to rule Bangladesh in the future. 
The more BNP is demanding early election, Same time Bangladeshi voters becoming  more eager to know what will be the BNP'S Indo-Pacific outlook. Will BNP follow the Indo-Pacific outlook of Awami League government. Did BNP have a Indo-Pacific outlook or are they formulating one? 

But in any case the people of Bangladesh, think tanks, researchers and professionals want to know about on transparent policy about Indo Pacific from the major political parties. 

*Author is a geopolitical economist*

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